On the authorit…

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says:

“My faithful servant’s reward from Me, if I have taken to Me his best friend from amongst the inhabitants of the world and he has then borne it patiently for My sake, shall be nothing less than Paradise.”

It was related by al-Bukhari. Hadith Qudsi.

Today’s post will be postponed due to the passing of a friend.  While I was looking for words to provide solace and give my condolences to the friends and family of the deceased, I came across this beautiful hadith I share with you now.  May Allah (swt) grant our loved ones that have left this world His forgiveness, peace in the grave, and the highest level of Jannah.  Ameen.  Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon (to Allah we belong and to him we will return).

Sunnah Diet

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Two weeks ago I was sulking away about all the things I needed to get done…lose weight…make up my missed Ramadan fasts…and hit it me!  Bam!  A Sunnah diet!  Okay, fine…that’s not exactly how it went down.  One night at dinner my husband was commenting – with a great deal of surprise may I add – that I did not eat much.  I retorted, “I’m on the Sunnah diet; one-third food, one-third water, and one-third air.”  He responded, “Honestly, that’s the best diet to be on.”  And ladies that is when it hit me.

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Hijab – Fashion Statement or Act of Worship?



Social media has changed the image of hijab completely.  I love waking up every morning and checking my Instagram to see the latest posts from my favorite hijabistas.  They do such a fantastic job making hijab look chic, classy, and modern.  They give you the confidence to wear hijab and still feel fashionable.  I remember when I began hijab, I felt like I transformed from a trendy college student to a fifty year old nun.

One thing that attracted me to blogging was sharing my sense of style and putting together fab outfits.  I wanted to be a part of this growing community.  I took new leaps and broke out of my shell by experimenting with different combinations, colors, and patterns I wouldn’t normally wear.  On the other hand, I was imagining myself in clothing that I would have normally deemed immodest.

Our beautiful deen asks us to be reflective people.  In the hopes of being a better role model for my daughter, I am trying to limit my use of electronics.  Alhamdulillah, this has freed up some time for me to hit the pause button and think about myself and my actions.

One realization I came to was that I was becoming obsessed with being a fashionable hijabi.  All of a sudden hijab shifted from being an act of ibadah to a fashion statement.  I wonder if my fellow hijabi sisters feel this way as well.

There is nothing wrong with looking presentable and dressing nicely.  It does not go against our deen and it is actually commendable.  Many of the fashion forward hijabi sisters are forming a bond of Muslim sisterhood.  They are boosting confidence for other sisters and the younger generation to start hijab.

However, focusing more on the dunya, excessiveness, and immodesty are all discouraged.  So I say this to myself first and foremost – remember the purpose of your hijab.   Ask yourself why you wear it and who you wear it for daily.  Hijab has guidelines that are set by the Qur’an and Sunnah.  They are not open for interpretation.  It is a form of ibadah (worship), not a fashion statement.